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Evil Attorney » Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

If you have Relevant Questions, email us and we'll provide Relevant Answers:

Q: What DO I get if I become the Evil Attorney®'s client?
A: The Evil Attorney® uses a simple, one-page Collections Agreement. The Evil Attorney&ereg; is blunt and likes plain language. You will like the straightforward Collection Agreement - or it will be changed to suit your needs.

You will also get:
· A free initial consultation.
· Clear answers.
· A free courtesy background check on your debtor if we're a good fit.
· A free review and opinion on the documents you provide.
· You will receive a one-page Collections Agreement if we are able to provide you with debt recovery services. (You can return the signed Collection Agreement via email or U.S. Mail.)
· Easy case submission via email. Original documents and “wet ink” signatures are a thing of the past.

Q: What DON'T I get if I become the Evil Attorney®'s client?
A: No hourly fees. No retainer fees. No headaches. No B.S..

You will also not get:
· Confusing answers.
· Fancy lawyer-talk.
· Bored. (The Evil Attorney® has a strong sense of humor - YMMV.)

Q: I like to know what's going on with my debt. How can we communicate?
A: The Evil Attorney® communicates by email. Of course, don't forget the phone! Let us know your communication preference. Please expect to be notified of all significant developments.

Q: Will the Evil Attorney REALLY do all those nasty legal things?
A: The Evil Attorney® is a licensed California attorney. With over 30 years of experience, he knows how to use the California enforcement of judgment laws. Not every case will ever require everything listed under "Services" and "Secret Weapons". Think of them as a "legal toolbox". The Evil Attorney® simply uses the right tool for the right job. The art of collecting is in knowing the best tool for the worst debtor.

Q: What does the Evil Attorney REALLY charge for amazingly aggressive debt collections?
A: A straight contingency fee - nothing more. There really are no hidden charges. "If I don't collect your debt you owe nothing." Your agreed contingency fee rate never changes. Please contact us for a free quote.

Q: I hate you Evil Attorney... How do I get rid of you?
A: You must not be the Evil Attorney®'s client! So, you must be a Debtor or Defendant. Pay your debt and I will go away!! Otherwise, please plan on me aggressively pursuing you for payment.

Q: Yes, I am a debtor.... Can I pay the Evil Attorney® through this web site?
A: You can't. To pay your debt electronically or online you will need to request ACH information or a link to a safe third-party payment system. Call us! We're very nice when discussing "settlement." All payments received will be exclusively placed in an attorney-client trust account monitored by the California State Bar.

If you need legal assistance recovering your debt claims, contact us today »
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The Evil Attorney is a Licensed California Collections Attorney - Database Developers by The PHP Kemist